17B-1-513 - Termination of terms of trustees representing withdrawn areas.
17B-1-513. Termination of terms of trustees representing withdrawn areas.
(1) On the effective date of withdrawal of an area from a local district, any trusteeresiding in the withdrawn area shall cease to be a member of the board of trustees of the localdistrict.
(2) If the local district has been divided into divisions for the purpose of electing orappointing trustees and the area withdrawn from a district constitutes all or substantially all of thearea in a division of the local district that is represented by a member of the board of trustees, onthe effective date of the withdrawal, the trustee representing the division shall cease to be amember of the board of trustees of the local district.
(3) In the event of a vacancy on the board of trustees as a result of an area beingwithdrawn from the local district:
(a) the board of trustees shall reduce the number of trustees of the local district asprovided by law; or
(b) the trustee vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session