17B-1-106 - Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiring certain property.
17B-1-106. Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiringcertain property.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, local district under this title,special service district, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title 11,Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
(A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant modificationbecause of an intended use of land; or
(B) that has filed with the local district a copy of the general or long-range plan of thecounty, municipality, local district, school district, interlocal cooperation entity, or specifiedpublic utility.
(ii) "Affected entity" does not include the local district that is required under this sectionto provide notice.
(b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, ortelephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1.
(2) (a) If a local district under this title located in a county of the first or second classprepares a long-range plan regarding its facilities proposed for the future or amends an alreadyexisting long-range plan, the local district shall, before preparing a long-range plan oramendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as provided in this section, ofits intent to prepare a long-range plan or to amend an existing long-range plan.
(b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
(i) indicate that the local district intends to prepare a long-range plan or to amend along-range plan, as the case may be;
(ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by thelong-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
(iii) be:
(A) sent to each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whoseboundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to along-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
(B) sent to each affected entity;
(C) sent to the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63F-1-506;
(D) sent to each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocalagreement under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county ormunicipality described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
(E) (I) placed on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701, if thelocal district:
(Aa) is required under Subsection 52-4-203(3) to use that website to provide publicnotice of a meeting; or
(Bb) voluntarily chooses to place notice on that website despite not being required to doso under Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(E)(I)(Aa); or
(II) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63J-4-202, if the local districtdoes not provide notice on the Utah Public Notice Website under Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(E)(I);
(iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection(2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the local district toconsider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan or
amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
(A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan oramendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
(B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning orconsidering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-rangeplan; and
(v) include the address of an Internet website, if the local district has one, and the nameand telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained concerning the localdistrict's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan.
(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each local district intending to acquirereal property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding the district'sinfrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services that the district is authorized toprovide shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (3), of its intent to acquire theproperty if the intended use of the property is contrary to:
(i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan; or
(ii) the property's current zoning designation.
(b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
(i) indicate that the local district intends to acquire real property;
(ii) identify the real property; and
(iii) be sent to:
(A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whoseboundaries the property is located; and
(B) each affected entity.
(c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection63G-2-305(7).
(d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the local districtpreviously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location within themunicipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
(ii) If a local district is not required to comply with the notice requirement of Subsection(3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the local district shall provide the noticespecified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after its acquisition of the real property.
Amended by Chapter 188, 2009 General Session