17-50-325 - Authority to make benefits generally available to employees, their dependents, and an adult designee -- Registry authorized -- Limitations.
17-50-325. Authority to make benefits generally available to employees, theirdependents, and an adult designee -- Registry authorized -- Limitations.
(1) A county may, by ordinance enacted by the county legislative body, make benefitsgenerally available to all county employees, their dependents, and an unmarried employee'sfinancially dependent or interdependent adult designee.
(2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), a county may, by ordinance enacted by the countylegislative body, create a registry for adult relationships of financial dependence orinterdependence.
(b) A county may not create or maintain a registry or other means that defines, identifies,or recognizes and gives legal status or effect to a domestic partnership, civil union, or domesticcohabitation relationship other than marriage.
(3) The county's recognition of an adult designee, the creation and maintenance of aregistry under Subsection (2)(a), and any certificate issued to or other designation of a person onthe county's registry are not and may not be treated the same as or substantially equivalent tomarriage.
(4) Neither an ordinance under Subsection (1) or (2)(a) nor a registry created underSubsection (2)(a) making an employee benefit available to an adult designee may create, modify,or affect a spousal, marital, or parental status, duty, or right.
(5) An ordinance, executive order, rule, or regulation adopted or other action takenbefore, on, or after May 5, 2008 that is inconsistent with this section is void.
Enacted by Chapter 127, 2008 General Session