17-28-2.4 - County Fire Civil Service System rules and policies.
17-28-2.4. County Fire Civil Service System rules and policies.
(1) The executive director shall recommend rules and policies for the County Fire CivilService System, which shall be subject to approval by the county legislative body.
(2) The County Fire Civil Service System rules shall provide for recruiting activities,including the recruiting of minorities and women, job-related minimum requirements, selectionprocedures, certification procedures, appointments, probationary periods, promotion, positionclassification, recordkeeping, reductions in force, grievances and complaints, disciplinary action,work hours, holidays, and other necessary and proper requirements not inconsistent with thischapter.
(3) The executive director shall publish or cause to be published these rules and policiesin a manual form, to be updated regularly and made available to fire department employees.
Enacted by Chapter 115, 1992 General Session