16-7-9 - Succession in event of death, resignation, or removal of incumbent.
16-7-9. Succession in event of death, resignation, or removal of incumbent.
(1) In the event of the death or resignation of any such archbishop, bishop, president,trustee in trust, president of stake, president of congregation, overseer, presiding elder orclergyman, being at the time a corporation sole, or of his removal from office by the person orbody having authority to remove him, his successor in office, as such corporation sole, shall bevested with the title to any and all property held by his predecessor as such corporation sole, withlike power and authority over the same and subject to all the legal liabilities and obligations withreference thereto.
(2) A successor described in Subsection (1) shall file with the Division of Corporationsand Commercial Code a certified copy or other adequate written proof of the successor'scommission, certificate, or letter of election or appointment.
Amended by Chapter 16, 2004 General Session