13-22-6 - Application for registration.
13-22-6. Application for registration.
(1) An applicant for registration or renewal of registration as a charitable organizationshall:
(a) pay an application fee as determined under Section 63J-1-504; and
(b) submit an application on a form approved by the division which shall include:
(i) the organization's name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, if any, and thenames and addresses of any organizations or persons controlled by, controlling, or affiliated withthe applicant;
(ii) the specific legal nature of the organization, that is, whether it is an individual, jointventure, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, or other entity;
(iii) the names and residence addresses of the officers and directors of the organization;
(iv) the name and address of the registered agent for service of process and a consent toservice of process;
(v) the purpose of the solicitation and use of the contributions to be solicited;
(vi) the method by which the solicitation will be conducted and the projected length oftime it is to be conducted;
(vii) the anticipated expenses of the solicitation, including all commissions, costs ofcollection, salaries, and any other items;
(viii) a statement of what percentage of the contributions collected as a result of thesolicitation are projected to remain available for application to the charitable purposes declared inthe application, including a satisfactory statement of the factual basis for the projectedpercentage;
(ix) a statement of total contributions collected or received by the organization within thecalendar year immediately preceding the date of the application, including a description of theexpenditures made from or the use made of the contributions;
(x) a copy of any written agreements with any professional fund raiser involved with thesolicitation;
(xi) disclosure of any injunction, judgment, or administrative order or conviction of anycrime involving moral turpitude with respect to any officer, director, manager, operator, orprincipal of the organization;
(xii) a copy of all agreements to which the applicant is, or proposes to be, a partyregarding the use of proceeds for the solicitation or fundraising;
(xiii) a statement of whether or not the charity, or its parent foundation, will be using theservices of a professional fund raiser or of a professional fund raising counsel or consultant;
(xiv) if either the charity or its parent foundation will be using the services of aprofessional fund raiser or a professional fund raising counsel or consultant:
(A) a copy of all agreements related to the services; and
(B) an acknowledgment that fund raising in the state will not commence until both thecharitable organization, its parent foundation, if any, and the professional fund raiser orprofessional fund raising counsel or consultant are registered and in compliance with thischapter; and
(xv) any additional information the division may require by rule.
(2) If any information contained in the application for registration becomes incorrect orincomplete, the applicant or registrant shall, within 30 days after the information becomesincorrect or incomplete, correct the application or file the complete information required by the
(3) In addition to the registration fee, an organization failing to file a registrationapplication or renewal by the due date or filing an incomplete registration application or renewalshall pay an additional fee of $25 for each month or part of a month after the date on which theregistration application or renewal were due to be filed.
(4) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the registration fee for a certified local museumunder Section 9-6-603 is 65% of the registration fee established under Subsection (1).
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session