13-16-13 - Confidentiality and use of information.

13-16-13. Confidentiality and use of information.
(1) Any transfer price or posted rack price disclosed to the attorney general pursuant toSubsection 13-16-3(2), any records disclosed to the attorney general pursuant to Section13-16-10, and any testimony, responses to interrogatories, documents or materials provided to theattorney general pursuant to a civil investigative demand shall be kept confidential by the attorneygeneral unless confidentiality is waived in writing by the person who has:
(a) provided the transfer price, posted rack price, or records; or
(b) testified, answered interrogatories, provided documents or materials.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the attorney general may discloseany records, testimony, documents, materials, or other information obtained under this section,without either the consent of the person from whom it was received or the person beinginvestigated, to:
(a) any court; and
(b) officers and employees of federal or state law enforcement agencies, provided theperson from whom the information, documents, or objects were obtained is notified 20 days priorto disclosure, and the federal or state law enforcement agency certifies that the information willbe:
(i) maintained in confidence, as required by Subsection 13-16-13(1); and
(ii) used only for official law enforcement purposes.

Enacted by Chapter 283, 2001 General Session