10-7-80 - Development committee -- Appointment of members -- Terms, compensation and expenses, vacancies and removal of members.
10-7-80. Development committee -- Appointment of members -- Terms,compensation and expenses, vacancies and removal of members.
The board of city commissioners or council of any city within the state is herebyauthorized and empowered to appoint by resolution an unpaid commission of three or moremembers, to be known as the city resource development committee. One or more members of theboard of city commissioners or council shall be designated by the board of city commissioners orcouncil as members of such committee. Each of the other members of the committee shall be aresident of the city. The term of appointed members of the committee shall be two years and untiltheir respective successors have been appointed. The members of the committee shall serve assuch without compensation, except that the board of city commissioners or council may providefor reimbursement of the members of the committee for actual expenses incurred, uponpresentation of proper receipts and vouchers. The board of city commissioners or council shallprovide for the filling of vacancies in the membership of the committee and for the removal of amember for nonperformance of duty or misconduct.
Enacted by Chapter 16, 1965 General Session