10-3-1002 - Classified civil service -- Places of employment constituting classified civil service -- Appointments to and from classified civil service.
10-3-1002. Classified civil service -- Places of employment constituting classifiedcivil service -- Appointments to and from classified civil service.
(1) The classified civil service shall consist of all places of employment now existing orhereafter created in or under the police department and the fire department of each first or secondclass city that establishes a civil service commission and the health department in each first classcity that establishes a civil service commission, except the head of the departments, deputy chiefsof the police and fire departments, and assistant chiefs of the police department in cities of thefirst and second class, and the members of the board of health of the departments.
(2) No appointments to any of the places of employment constituting the classified civilservice in the departments shall be made except according to law and under the rules andregulations of the civil service commission.
(3) The head of each of the departments may, and the deputy chiefs of the police and firedepartments and assistant chiefs of the police department shall, be appointed from the classifiedcivil service, and upon the expiration of the term or upon the appointment of a successor shall bereturned thereto.
Amended by Chapter 178, 2001 General Session