4-38-14 - Hearings.
4-38-14. Hearings.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all proceedings before the commissionor its hearing officer with respect to the denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses or theimposition of fines shall be conducted pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 4, AdministrativeProcedures Act.
(2) These proceedings shall be held in the county where the commission has its office orin any other place the commission designates. The commission shall notify the applicant orlicensee by mailing, by first class mail, a copy of the written notice required to the last addressfurnished by the application or licensee to the commission at least seven days in advance of thehearing.
(3) The commission may delegate its authority to conduct hearings with respect to thedenial or suspension of licenses or the imposition of a fine to a hearing officer.
(4) Proceedings before the board of stewards need not be governed by the procedural orother requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act, but rather shall be conducted inaccordance with rules adopted by the commission.
(5) The commission and the board of stewards may administer oaths and affirmations,sign and issue subpoenas, order the production of documents and other evidence, and regulate thecourse of the hearing pursuant to rules adopted by it.
(6) Any person aggrieved by a final order or ruling issued by a board of stewards mayappeal the order or ruling to the commission pursuant to procedural rules adopted by thecommission. The aggrieved party may petition the commission for a stay of execution pendingappeal to the commission.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session