4-24-7 - Recordation of brand or mark.
4-24-7. Recordation of brand or mark.
(1) Application for a recorded brand or mark shall be made to the department upon formsprescribed and furnished by it. The application shall contain such information as thecommissioner prescribes. No application shall be approved without payment of the appropriaterecording fee. Upon receipt of a proper application, payment of the recording fee, and recordationof the brand or mark in the central Brand or Mark Registry of the department, the commissionershall issue the applicant a certified copy of recording which entitles the applicant to the exclusiveuse of the brand or mark recorded.
(2) Each recorded brand or mark filed with the central Brand and Mark Registry shallexpire during the calendar year 1980, and during each fifth year thereafter. The department shallgive notice in writing to all persons who are owners of recorded brands and marks within areasonable time prior to the date of expiration of recordation. Brand or mark renewal is effectedby filing an appropriate application with the department together with payment of the renewal fee.A recorded brand or mark, not timely renewed, shall lapse and be removed from the centralBrand and Mark Registry.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1979 General Session