4-11-15 - Wax-salvage operations -- County bee inspector to supervise compliance with rules -- Salvage procedures specified.
4-11-15. Wax-salvage operations -- County bee inspector to supervise compliancewith rules -- Salvage procedures specified.
(1) All wax-salvage operations with respect to wax, hives, apiary equipment, andappliances that have been exposed to disease pathogens shall be performed under the directionand supervision of the county bee inspector according to procedures established by rules of thedepartment.
(2) A wax salvage operation shall be conducted in an enclosure that is tightlydouble-screened to prevent the possible entrance of bees.
(3) Entrance to the enclosure shall be through a vestibule, double-screened in the samemanner as the enclosure, with tight-fitting doors at each end.
(4) All boiling or melting of any noncontaminated apiary equipment, such as cappings,honey supers, hives, or frames shall be done in a bee tight enclosure.
Amended by Chapter 73, 2010 General Session