4-11-14 - Maintenance of abandoned apiary, equipment, or appliance -- Nuisance.
4-11-14. Maintenance of abandoned apiary, equipment, or appliance -- Nuisance.
(1) It is a public nuisance to keep or maintain an abandoned apiary, apiary equipment, orappliance other than in an enclosure that prohibits the entry of bees.
(2) Items listed in Subsection (1) are subject to seizure and destruction by the county beeinspector.
(3) Upon discovery of, or receipt of a written complaint concerning, an abandoned apiarysite, apiary equipment, or appliance, the county bee inspector shall attempt to notify theregistered owner, if any.
(4) (a) A registered owner notified under Subsection (3) shall remove the abandonedapiary, apiary equipment, or appliance or provide a bee-proof enclosure within 15 days.
(b) The county bee inspector or the department shall verify the removal or protection inaccordance with Subsection (4)(a) at the expiration of the 15-day period.
(c) If a registered owner does not comply with Subsection (4)(a), the county beeinspector or the department may seize and destroy the abandoned apiary, apiary equipment, andappliances.
(5) A county bee inspector or the department may seize and destroy an abandoned apiary,apiary equipment, or appliances if the abandoned apiary, apiary equipment, or appliances do notindicate a registered owner.
Amended by Chapter 73, 2010 General Session