32B-4-202 (Effective 07/01/11) - Duties to enforce this title.

32B-4-202 (Effective 07/01/11). Duties to enforce this title.
(1) It is the duty of the following to diligently enforce this title in their respectivecapacities:
(a) the governor;
(b) a commissioner;
(c) the director;
(d) an official, inspector, or department employee;
(e) a prosecuting official of the state or its political subdivisions;
(f) a county, city, or town;
(g) a peace officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, marshal, or law enforcementofficial;
(h) a state health official; and
(i) a clerk of the court.
(2) Immediately upon conviction of a person for violation of this title or of a localordinance relating to an alcoholic product, it is the duty of the clerk of the court to notify thedepartment of the conviction in writing on forms supplied by the department.

Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session