20A-11-1503 (Effective 01/01/11) - Criminal penalties -- Fines.
20A-11-1503 (Effective 01/01/11). Criminal penalties -- Fines.
(1) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of any statement required by this part,the lieutenant governor shall review each filed statement to ensure that:
(a) each labor organization that is required to file a statement has filed one; and
(b) each statement contains the information required by this part.
(2) If it appears that any labor organization has failed to file any statement, if it appearsthat a filed statement does not conform to the law, or if the lieutenant governor has received awritten complaint alleging a violation of the law or the falsity of any statement, the lieutenantgovernor shall:
(a) impose a fine against the labor organization in accordance with Section 20A-11-1005;and
(b) within five days of discovery of a violation or receipt of a written complaint, notifythe labor organization of the violation or written complaint and direct the labor organization tofile a statement correcting the problem.
(3) (a) It is unlawful for any labor organization to fail to file or amend a statement within14 days after receiving notice from the lieutenant governor under this section.
(b) Each labor organization that violates Subsection (3)(a) is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.
(c) The lieutenant governor shall report all violations of Subsection (3)(a) to the attorneygeneral.
Enacted by Chapter 389, 2010 General Session