
Sec. 1. The purpose of this Act is to promote the economical

delivery of the services provided by state government by means of

a comprehensive review of governmental structure and



Sec. 2. In this Act:

(1) "Committee" means the Joint Advisory Committee on Government


(2) "Departments and Agencies" means all departments, bureaus,

agencies, boards, commissions, and other instrumentalities of the

executive branch of the state government.

Creation of Committee

Sec. 3. There is created the Joint Advisory Committee on

Government Operations.


Sec. 4. (a) The committee consists of the lieutenant governor,

the speaker of the house of representatives, the secretary of

state, and other members appointed as provided by this section.

(b) The governor shall appoint nine persons, none of whom may be

members of the house or of the senate.

(c) The lieutenant governor shall appoint three members of the


(d) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint

three members of the house of representatives.

Terms and Vacancies

Sec. 5. (a) The initial members of the committee shall take

office within 30 days after the effective date of this Act and

shall serve until the expiration of the committee.

(b) Vacancies among the appointed members shall be filled for the

unexpired terms in the same manner as the original appointments

were made.


Sec. 6. (a) Legislative members of the committee shall serve

without additional compensation. Each member shall be reimbursed

from the appropriate fund of the member's respective house for

travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in

performing the duties of the committee.

(b) Persons appointed pursuant to Section 4(b) of this Act shall

serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for travel,

subsistence, and other necessary expenses from appropriations

made by the legislature to the committee.

(c) The duties to be performed by each public official or

employee appointed to the committee shall be considered duties in

addition to those otherwise required by that person's office.


Sec. 7. The lieutenant governor shall serve as chairman of the

committee. The speaker of the house of representatives shall

serve as vice-chairman of the committee.


Sec. 8. Ten members of the committee shall constitute a quorum

for the conduct of business.


Sec. 9. The committee shall:

(1) examine and evaluate the organization and methods of

operation of the departments and agencies of state government;

(2) develop proposals for improving the structure and

administration of state government in order to assure the

delivery of governmental services at the lowest possible cost;

(3) recommend policies and programs to minimize creation of new

departments and agencies of state government and to control the

growth of existing departments and agencies; and

(4) recommend suspension of government programs and services that

duplicate and exceed in cost those same services offered by

private business.


Sec. 10. The committee or any subcommittee of its membership

designated by the chairman may:

(1) appoint and fix the compensation of necessary staff,

including the retention of independent auditors;

(2) hold open hearings, take testimony, and administer oaths or

affirmations to witnesses;

(3) secure directly from any department or agency of state

government any information deemed necessary for the

implementation of this Act;

(4) make findings and issue reports in the execution of the

duties imposed by Section 9 of this Act.

Appropriations; Private Funds

Sec. 11. The legislature shall appropriate money necessary to

carry out the provisions of this Act in the General

Appropriations Act for the biennium ending August 31, 1977, or in

special appropriation acts for the purpose. Private funds

including public or private foundation funds may be used to

defray the cost of conducting any of the affairs of the committee

upon authorization by the committee.

Cooperation of Other Departments and Agencies

Sec. 12. (a) The Texas Legislative Council, the Legislative

Budget Board, the Legislative Audit Committee, the Advisory

Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, and the Division of

Planning Coordination shall, through their respective

administrative officers, furnish staff assistance to the

committee upon request.

(b) Each department and agency of state government is directed to

furnish assistance and information to the committee upon request.

Reports; Recommendations; Dissolution

Sec. 13. The committee may make an interim report on its

progress, together with any specific recommendations it may deem

desirable, to any session of the 64th Legislature, and shall make

its final report to the 65th Legislature not later than 30 days

after that legislature is organized. Unless extended by the 65th

Legislature, the committee is dissolved on May 31, 1977.

Acts 1975, 64th Leg., p. 949, ch. 357, eff. June 19, 1975.