9-4-5614 - Governmental accountability commission Creation Composition Duties.
9-4-5614. Governmental accountability commission Creation Composition Duties.
(a) There is hereby created the Tennessee governmental accountability commission, to be comprised of three (3) ex officio members: the comptroller of the treasury, who shall be chair; the executive director of the fiscal review committee, who shall be vice chair; and the director of the office of legislative budget analysis, who shall be secretary of the commission. The members shall serve without additional compensation, except for travel expenses, to be provided in accordance with the applicable state travel regulations.
(b) The commission, at least annually, beginning in fiscal year 2005-2006, shall review the performance report submitted by the commissioner of finance and administration pursuant to § 9-4-5608. The commission, in writing, shall comment and may make recommendations to the senate and house finance, ways and means committees on the strategic plan and actual performance of agencies subject to performance-based budgeting in the previous fiscal year, on the reasonableness of performance measures and standards recommended in the budget document for those agencies subject to performance-based budgeting in the next future fiscal year, and on any other strategic plan and program performance matter the commission deems appropriate.
(c) The commission shall provide the comments required and recommendations authorized by subsection (b) in sufficient time for use by the senate and house finance, ways and means committees in considering the appropriations bill.
[Acts 2002, ch. 875, § 2.]