9-4-5606 - Development of performance measures and standards Submission of strategic plan and proposed performance measures and standards.
9-4-5606. Development of performance measures and standards Submission of strategic plan and proposed performance measures and standards.
(a) The commissioner of finance and administration annually shall issue instructions for the development of performance measures and standards for each program for which a state agency will submit a budget request as provided by § 9-4-5103(b).
(b) By July 1 each year, each state agency subject to performance-based budgeting is required to submit to the commissioner of finance and administration, in a form to be specified by the commissioner, a strategic plan and proposed performance measures and standards for each program for which a budget request must be submitted pursuant to § 9-4-5103(b). Such state agencies shall also identify the outputs produced by each program, the outcomes resulting from each program, baseline data associated with each performance measure, and performance standards. Performance measures and standards shall be reviewed by the commissioner of finance and administration, revised as deemed necessary by the commissioner of finance and administration, and included in the budget request required by § 9-4-5103(b). In reviewing budget requests and transmitting the budget document to the general assembly in accordance with § 9-4-5105, the governor, with the assistance of the commissioner of finance and administration, may revise, add, or delete performance measures and standards as the governor may deem necessary.
(c) Notwithstanding the programs, performance measures, and standards recommended in the budget document submitted pursuant to § 9-4-5105, the general assembly shall have final approval of all strategic plans, performance measures and standards through the general appropriations act and shall have discretion in the general appropriations act, consistent with otherwise applicable requirements of general law and the constitution of Tennessee, to increase, reduce, eliminate, or otherwise alter the appropriation to a state agency.
(d) Each state agency subject to performance-based budgeting shall submit to the commissioner of finance and administration any documentation required by the commissioner regarding the validity, reliability, and appropriateness of each performance measure and standard and regarding how the strategic plan and the performance measures are used in management decision-making and other agency processes.
(e) (1) Annually, at a time to be determined by the commissioner of finance and administration after the general appropriations act becomes law, state agencies may submit to the commissioner any adjustments to their performance measures and standards based on the amounts appropriated for each program by the general assembly. The commissioner of finance and administration shall report on the adjusted performance measures and standards to the chairmen of the senate and house finance, ways and means committees upon approval of the work program allotments required by § 9-4-5110.
(2) At any time during the fiscal year in which a state agency, by restraining order, injunction, consent decree, settlement, or any final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, or by law or executive order, is required to modify its operations, or the state agency receives additional federal or other funding, the state agency may submit to the commissioner of finance and administration any necessary adjustments to its performance measures and standards.
(3) When such adjustment is made pursuant to subdivisions (e)(1) and (e)(2), all performance measures and standards, including any adjustments made, shall be submitted to and reviewed and revised as necessary by the commissioner of finance and administration. The commissioner shall maintain the official record of adjustments to the performance measures and standards and shall report such adjustments to the chairmen of the senate and house finance, ways and means committees.
(f) A state agency subject to performance-based budgeting shall not have the authority to amend or establish programs or performance measures but may propose a revision to the commissioner of finance and administration, who shall have authority to revise and approve programs and performance measures submitted pursuant to subdivisions (e)(1) and (e)(2) in connection with establishing original work program allotments and revisions thereto pursuant to §§ 9-4-5110 and 9-4-5112.
[Acts 2002, ch. 875, § 1.]