9-4-5604 - Part definitions.

9-4-5604. Part definitions.

For purposes of this part, the following terms shall have the following meaning unless the context requires otherwise:

     (1)  “Agency” or “state agency” means any unit of organization of the executive department, including any official, officer, department, board, commission, division, bureau, section, district, office, authority, committee, or council or any other unit of state government, however designated, including, without limitation, higher education. For purposes of this part, “agency” or “state agency” shall not include the governor's office, the judicial department, or the legislative department. For purposes of this part, “judicial department” means the court system, district attorneys general conference, district public defenders conference, and the office of post-conviction defender;

     (2)  “Baseline data” means indicators of a state agency's current performance level, pursuant to guidelines established by the commissioner of finance and administration;

     (3)  “Commissioner” means the commissioner of finance and administration;

     (4)  “Outcome” means an indicator of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;

     (5)  “Output” means the actual service or product delivered by a state agency;

     (6)  “Performance-based program budget” means a budget that incorporates program statements and performance measures;

     (7)  “Performance measure” means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess state agency performance, including outcome and output indicators;

     (8)  “Program” means a set of activities undertaken in accordance with a plan of action organized to realize identifiable goals and objectives. Such program shall be a budget unit included in the budget document for which an appropriation is provided in the general appropriations act; and

     (9)  “Standard” means the desired level of performance of a program, measured by outcome or output.

[Acts 2002, ch. 875, § 1.]