Part 2 - Accounts or Appropriations for Designated Purposes
- 9-4-201 - Special federal funds.
- 9-4-202 - Separate account, collateral, and bond.
- 9-4-203 - Trust funds.
- 9-4-204 - Police pay supplement fund.
- 9-4-205 - Victims of crime assistance fund.
- 9-4-206 - Impaired drivers trust fund.
- 9-4-207 - Transportation equity trust fund Account.
- 9-4-208 - Appropriations to promote industries and facilities involving modern technologies Audits.
- 9-4-209 - Civil rights attorneys' fees awards account.
- 9-4-210 - Increase in imprisonment terms Appropriations for operating costs.
- 9-4-211 - Reserve for revenue fluctuations.
- 9-4-212 - State appropriations to nongovernmental defender services in capital cases.
- 9-4-213 - State appropriations to child advocacy centers.