9-3-212 - Duty to order and pay for audits Audit standards Rules and regulations.
9-3-212. Duty to order and pay for audits Audit standards Rules and regulations.
(a) It is the duty of each political subdivision, special taxing district, board, commission, educational cooperative, intergovernmental cooperative or other governmental agency, including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, utility districts, school boards, and housing authorities created under the Housing Authorities Law, compiled in title 13, chapter 20, part 1, with respect to all funds under its control, to order and pay for such audit and for any other audit which it is required to perform under state law, and to contract with certified public accountants, public accountants, or the department of audit to make such audit.
(b) The comptroller of the treasury, when the comptroller deems it necessary, may require any audit required of any such agency, or any investigative or review work in addition to such audit which, in the exercise of the comptroller's discretion, the comptroller believes necessary to ascertain or correct errors, irregularities, or defaults in the management and disbursement of funds controlled by such agency, to be conducted by the department of audit; provided, that the comptroller may also charge such agency for additional investigative or review work or additional accounting services which the comptroller may deem necessary.
(c) Nothing herein shall amend or modify any requirement of a general or private act for an audit by a certified public accountant or public accountant. The provisions of this section shall apply to political subdivisions, special taxing districts, boards, commissions, educational cooperatives, intergovernmental cooperatives, and any other governmental agency, including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, utility districts, school boards, and housing authorities created under the Housing Authorities Law, compiled in title 13, chapter 20, part 1, which are otherwise subject to financial audit by the state or federal government. In addition to the other requirements of this section, such agency shall furnish a copy of such audit report to the comptroller of the treasury.
(d) The comptroller of the treasury, through the department of audit, shall be responsible for determining that such audits are prepared in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards and that such audits meet the minimum standards prescribed by the comptroller. The comptroller shall promulgate such rules and regulations as are required to assure that the books and records are kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and that audit standards prescribed by the comptroller of the treasury are met.
[Acts 1961, ch. 233, § 2; 1977, ch. 103, § 7; T.C.A., §§ 9-314, 9-3-112; Acts 1985, ch. 118, § 8; 1992, ch. 764, § 1.]