8-35-241 - Teachers.
8-35-241. Teachers.
(a) Any member employed as a teacher with a political subdivision on the date the political subdivision began participation in the retirement system shall be entitled to establish retirement credit for such periods of previous service rendered to such political subdivision if the following conditions are met:
(1) The chief legislative body of the political subdivision passes a resolution authorizing an actuarial study to determine the liability associated with such prior service, and accepting responsibility for the costs of such study;
(2) The member files with the political subdivision, within sixty (60) days of the passage of the resolution authorizing the study, a notice of the member's intention to establish such prior service. Any member who fails to file the notice of election within the sixty-day period shall not later be eligible to establish such prior service;
(3) Following receipt of the actuarial study, the chief legislative body by a two-thirds (2/3) vote adopts a resolution authorizing prior service for such members and accepting the liability therefor; provided, that the political subdivision may only authorize credit for such periods of previous service as authorized for other employees of the political subdivision; and
(4) A teacher may establish prior service with the board of education under the same terms and conditions which were applicable when the local government authorized participation in the retirement system.
(b) It is the legislative intent that the state shall realize no increased cost as a result of this section. All costs associated with retirement coverage, including administrative costs, shall be the responsibility of the political subdivision.
[Acts 1992, ch. 843, § 1.]