8-35-228 - Participating political subdivision employees Credit for employees participating on July 1, or August 1, 1973.
8-35-228. Participating political subdivision employees Credit for employees participating on July 1, or August 1, 1973.
(a) Any present employee of a political subdivision participating in the retirement system effective August 1, 1973, under the provisions of this part shall be eligible for retirement credit for service rendered to such employer under the following conditions:
(1) Such employee was employed by the political subdivision within one (1) year of August 1, 1973;
(2) Such employee joined the retirement system within two (2) years of August 1, 1973;
(3) Such credit shall be granted under the same terms and conditions which apply to other employees employed by the political subdivision on August 1, 1973;
(4) The participating political subdivision authorizes and pays for the cost of an actuarial study to determine the liability associated with the granting of such service credit and, following review of the cost of granting such service credit, the chief governing body of the political subdivision shall pass a resolution authorizing such service credit and accepting the liability therefor; and
(5) The service credit authorized by this subsection (a) must be established by the member prior to January 1, 1988.
(b) Any present employee of a political subdivision participating in the retirement system effective July 1, 1973, under the provisions of this part shall be eligible for retirement credit for service rendered to such employer if all following conditions are met:
(1) Such employee was in service on the political subdivision's date of participation;
(2) Service rendered prior to the political subdivision's date of participation shall be granted under the same terms and conditions which apply to other employees employed by the political subdivision on July 1, 1973;
(3) For service rendered after the date of participation, the member must pay in a lump sum the amount such member would have paid had such member been a member for the period claimed, plus interest as provided by § 8-37-214;
(4) The participating political subdivision authorizes and pays for the cost of an actuarial study to determine the liability associated with the granting of such service credit and, following review of the cost of granting such service credit, the chief governing body of the political subdivision passes a resolution authorizing such service credit and accepting the liability therefor; and
(5) The service credit authorized by this subsection (b) must be established by the member prior to January 1, 1989.
[Acts 1987, ch. 138, § 1; 1988, ch. 608, § 1.]