71-1-112 - Divisions and regions Division of housing and emergency shelter.
71-1-112. Divisions and regions Division of housing and emergency shelter.
(a) For the efficient and economical performance of the powers and functions vested in the department:
(1) The commissioner may establish within the department such divisions as may be necessary for the effective administration of the department. These divisions shall be charged with such duties and responsibilities as may be delegated to them by the commissioner, and the commissioner shall have the power to allocate and reallocate functions among such divisions. Each division shall be administered by a director who shall be appointed by the commissioner solely on a basis of merit as measured by training, ability and experience;
(2) There shall be established, for the purposes of local administration throughout the state, regions comprised of one (1) or more counties. Each such region shall be administered or supervised by a regional director, who shall be appointed by the commissioner solely on a basis of merit as measured by training, ability, and experience. The regional director, or such employees as the regional director may delegate, shall have the power of visitation and report of all charitable and relief institutions within the region that rightly come under the department as set out in this part, and such other powers as may be delegated by the commissioner. The regional director shall foster cooperation and intelligent coordination of work between all public and private charitable and social agencies in the region to the end that public resources and charitable donations may be efficiently managed and the needs of the region adequately cared for; and
(3) The commissioner has the power to create such subordinate divisions and such departmental agencies within the department as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this part.
(b) (1) There is created within the department a division of housing and emergency shelter. The commissioner shall appoint a director of housing and emergency shelter as provided in this subsection (b). The commissioner shall employ all consultants or staff assigned or performing duties for the division.
(2) The director has the power, duty and responsibility to:
(A) Coordinate consultant or staff assignments and administrative functions and activities of the division;
(B) Assign personnel to staff the various offices designated to carry out the purposes of this subsection (b) that assures the most efficient use of personnel; and
(C) Coordinate the efforts of the division of housing and emergency shelter with all other individuals, agencies and organizations providing similar or equivalent services.
(3) The division shall cooperate and integrate its services with local agencies, local homeless coalitions, local and state housing authorities, and other local and state agencies, and shall engage in such activities as well as promote a high level of communication among the many individuals, entities and organizations concerned with homelessness issues. The division shall actively participate, subject to funds specifically appropriated in the general appropriations act, in the weatherization, rehabilitation and renovation of housing that qualifies for appropriate programs as determined by the division. The division shall work directly with the department of mental health and developmental disabilities to ensure that adequate and appropriate institutional and community-based services and shelter are provided to persons in need of them.
(4) The division shall develop and implement a plan for providing rental units on a sliding fee scale. In so doing, emphasis shall be given to locating rental units at a cost to the individual of less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month. The division shall also develop and implement a plan for providing emergency shelter for individuals who are unable to pay rent. In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the division shall maximize all federal and private funds and grants and block funding, as well as create a mechanism for providing rental and other deposits and subsidy payments for eligible individuals. The division shall actively be involved in new programs designed to relieve the housing shortage for eligible individuals as determined by the division and shall initiate and implement any such programs as they become available and feasible.
(5) The offices of the division shall be located in areas that are easily accessible to those who require the services of the division. Office space for such offices may be located in conjunction with any present agency of state government or an appropriate agency of local government that serves the population sought to be served by the provisions of this subsection (b). Personnel from such agencies may be utilized by the division where appropriate. Such offices shall also serve as a coordinating center to provide information and referral services for crisis intervention, counseling, case management, job placement services, day shelter, transportation services and access to other agencies that serve the population in which such individuals are included.
(6) The division is authorized to promulgate necessary and appropriate rules and regulations to implement the effect and intent of this subsection (b). Such rules shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
(7) The funding for the division, created by this subsection (b), shall be subject to funds specifically appropriated for such purpose in the general appropriations act.
[Acts 1937, ch. 48, § 11; 1939, ch. 95, § 7; C. Supp. 1950, § 4765.14 (Williams, § 4765.11); Acts 1955, ch. 25, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), §§ 14-112, 14-1-112; Acts 1990, ch. 1070, §§ 1-7; 2000, ch. 947, § 6.]