70-1-311 - Special joint legislative study committee.

70-1-311. Special joint legislative study committee.

(a)  There is created a special joint legislative study committee to consider, evaluate and make recommendations regarding improvements to the Tennessee wildlife resources agency, including, but not limited to, the issues of state and federal funding sources and how it is governed and managed.

(b)  The committee shall be composed of four (4) members of the senate, to be appointed by the speaker of the senate, and four (4) members of the house of representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

(c)  All appropriate state agencies shall provide assistance to the committee upon the request of the chair.

(d)  The committee shall be convened by the member with the most years of continuous service in the general assembly and, at its organizational meeting, shall elect a chair, vice-chair, and such other officers the committee may deem necessary.

(e)  All members of the special joint committee who are duly elected members of the general assembly shall remain members of the committee until the committee reports its findings and recommendations to the general assembly.

(f)  The committee shall timely report its findings and recommendations to the 106th general assembly by March 31, 2010, at which time the committee shall cease to exist.

[Acts 2008, ch. 1148, §§ 1-6; 2009, ch. 596, § 1.]