69-7-205 - Powers of commissioner of environment and conservation.

69-7-205. Powers of commissioner of environment and conservation.

In addition to powers under all other statutes, including, but not limited to, the Water Quality Control Act, compiled in chapter 3, part 1 of this title, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, compiled in title 68, chapter 221, part 7, the commissioner of environment and conservation, or the commissioner's designee, shall have the following powers and duties under this part:

     (1)  To issue and to deny inter-basin transfer permits in accordance with § 69-7-206;

     (2)  To issue civil penalty assessments in accordance with § 69-7-208;

     (3)  To conduct inspections and investigations;

     (4)  To bring suit in the name of the department for any violation of the provisions of this part, including seeking any remedy available under this part as well as under any other statutory or common law remedy related to water availability and supply;

     (5)  To require the submission of plans, specifications, technical reports, and any other information the commissioner deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this part;

     (6)  To delegate any of the commissioner's duties to the director of the appropriate division under the commissioner's supervision; and

     (7)  To be the primary administrative agent in carrying out the provisions of this part.

[Acts 2000, ch. 854, § 6; T.C.A. § 69-8-205.]