68-3-310 - New certificate of birth Prerequisites.

68-3-310. New certificate of birth Prerequisites.

The state registrar shall prepare a new certificate of birth for a person born in Tennessee, upon receipt of required legal documents, as provided in the following cases:

     (1)  Adoption.  A certified copy of adoption or certified copy of final decree of adoption and request for new certificate of birth by adoption;

     (2)  Legitimation by Court Order in Cases Where the Parents Have Never Married.  A certified copy of an order of legitimation that establishes the relationship of parent and child between the petitioner and child named in the petition, decrees the name the child is to bear, and a request for new certificate of birth by legitimation on a form provided by the state registrar that furnishes information for locating the certificate of birth in the original name and information concerning parents to be entered on the new certificate;

     (3)  Legitimation by Subsequent Marriage of Parents.  A certified copy of the marriage certificate or certificate of marriage of parents, and affidavits of the mother and father acknowledging paternity on a form provided by the state registrar. The form shall furnish information for locating the certificate of birth in the original name and information concerning the parents to be entered on the new certificate. If the father is deceased, in lieu of the father's affidavit, the state registrar shall accept a certified copy of a bill or petition for divorce or sworn answer to a bill or petition for divorce properly filed, in which the husband, by oath, acknowledged himself as father of the child or children named in the bill or petition for divorce or the answer, or a certified copy of an order, judgment or decree in which the court determined the deceased husband to be the father of the child or children and had acknowledged paternity of the child or children, whether heard on an ex parte or contested proceeding;

     (4)  Order of Paternity.  A certified copy of an order of paternity or a certificate of paternity on a form provided by the state registrar that furnishes information for locating the certificate of birth in the original name, establishes the name of the father, and decrees the name the child is to bear; and

     (5)  Report of Foreign Birth.  The state registrar shall prepare a report of foreign birth for a child not born in any state, territory or possession of the United States whose adoptive parents are residents of Tennessee when required adoption papers have been received from a court of competent jurisdiction in Tennessee.

[Acts 1977, ch. 128, § 12; T.C.A., § 53-450.]