67-5-505 - Forms, schedules, rules.
67-5-505. Forms, schedules, rules.
(a) The state division of property assessments, with the approval of the state board of equalization, shall prescribe the forms and schedules to be used and the records to be kept by each assessor relating to the assessment of property of every kind.
(b) (1) In determining the ownership, valuation, classification, and assessment of all property of every kind, the assessor shall follow the assessment manuals, instructions, and the rules and regulations approved by the board.
(2) Notwithstanding any provisions of this title to the contrary, no local assessor of property shall be in violation of any rules and regulations promulgated by the board under such provisions of such sections and chapters when the implementation of such rules and regulations cannot be accomplished without official action in some manner by the local governing body of the jurisdiction, and such body has refused to act on a request by the local assessor so as to permit the implementation of the rules and regulations by the local assessor.
(c) Upon a finding by the division that the assessor of property or the county is unable or unwilling to comply with requirements under this part, including rules of the board or submission of any necessary plan of compliance required by the board, the director of the division shall report such finding to the board. The board shall notify the assessor of property and the county mayor of the nature of the noncompliance and shall indicate the action required to correct such noncompliance. If satisfactory action is not taken by the assessor or the county to correct the noncompliance within sixty (60) days from the date that notice of noncompliance is given, the board shall direct the division, and the division shall thereupon be authorized to take such steps as are necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part, and the county found in noncompliance shall reimburse the state for all costs incurred by the state pursuant to this action. If such costs are not reimbursed to the state within forty-five (45) days of the date of an invoice for such costs, the state may recover its costs through the deduction of such costs from any state-shared taxes as identified in § 4-31-105, otherwise due the county.
[Acts 1973, ch. 226, §§ 6, 13; T.C.A., §§ 67-605, 67-613; Acts 1999, ch. 147, § 1; 2003, ch. 90, § 2.]