Part 25 - Tax LienSale of Property
- 67-5-2501 - Sale of land generally.
- 67-5-2502 - Notice of sale of land.
- 67-5-2503 - Sale of land Writ of possession Rents and profits.
- 67-5-2504 - Attacks on sale of land Rights of purchaser.
- 67-5-2505 - Sale of land State as purchaser.
- 67-5-2506 - Sale of land for county taxes only.
- 67-5-2507 - Sale of land County as purchaser.
- 67-5-2508 - Sale of property Political subdivision as purchaser.
- 67-5-2509 - Exemption from taxation Land purchased, resold or rented by state or political subdivision.
- 67-5-2510 - Property purchased by state or political subdivision Satisfaction of delinquency and removal from tax rolls.
- 67-5-2511 - Ledger of property purchased by state or political subdivision.
- 67-5-2512 - Division of land purchased jointly by state and political subdivision.
- 67-5-2513 - Property purchased by state or political subdivision Disposition of receipts.
- 67-5-2514 - Resale of property purchased by state.
- 67-5-2515 - Reference to tax deed deemed reference to court decree.