Part 24 - Tax LienEnforcement Generally
- 67-5-2401 - Notice of intent to file suit Publication.
- 67-5-2402 - Notice to property owner of delinquency.
- 67-5-2403 - List of property involved in suits.
- 67-5-2404 - Delivery of delinquent tax list to attorney.
- 67-5-2405 - Filing and prosecution of suits.
- 67-5-2406 - Failure to prosecute Duties of district attorney general Removal of attorney for nonprosecution.
- 67-5-2407 - Credit to trustee after suit filed.
- 67-5-2408 - Lists and records delivered to attorney.
- 67-5-2409 - Consolidation of suits.
- 67-5-2410 - Penalties, fees and costs Duties of clerk.
- 67-5-2411 - Dismissal on payment of taxes.
- 67-5-2412 - [Repealed.]
- 67-5-2413 - [Repealed.]
- 67-5-2414 - Procedure governing suit.
- 67-5-2415 - Notice to taxpayer of suit.
- 67-5-2416 - Reference and master's report.
- 67-5-2417 - Receivership.
- 67-5-2418 - Judgment and sale as to part of defendants Appeal.
- 67-5-2419 - Implementation of decrees.
- 67-5-2420 - [Repealed.]
- 67-5-2421 - Money paid into court Clerk's compensation Settlement.