67-5-203 - Government property.
67-5-203. Government property.
(a) (1) All property of the United States, the state of Tennessee, any county, or any incorporated town, city or taxing district in the state that is used exclusively for public, county or municipal purposes shall be exempt from taxation; provided, that real property purchased for investment purposes by the Tennessee consolidated retirement system shall be subject to property taxation.
(2) All property of any educational institution owned, operated or otherwise controlled by the state of Tennessee as trustee, or otherwise, shall be exempt from taxation.
(b) (1) When all of the area that is assessed as a single unit by the assessor of property of any political subdivision is acquired in its entirety by the United States government, the state of Tennessee, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, any lien for property taxes assessed by the political subdivision for the year in which the property is so acquired shall be released on the approval of the assessor of property of the political subdivision assessing such taxes with respect to that portion of the taxes representing the remainder of the calendar year after the date of the instrument or conveyance by the property owner, or after the date of the entry of an order of possession, if the property is acquired by condemnation, and the property owner shall be relieved of all personal liability for the portion of the taxes.
(2) Either the condemnor or the property owner may request the assessor to provide such proration, which shall be based on the last made assessment and rate fixed, according to law, and the trustee shall accept tender of the amount determined to be owing.
(3) Where only a portion of the entire unit assessed for taxes by the assessor of property of a political subdivision is so acquired, the portion of the taxes for the entire year attributable to the part taken, where same is acquired by deed, shall be arrived at by dividing an amount equal to the assessed valuation of the portion taken, as agreed upon between the property owner and the assessor of property, by the present assessed valuation of the entire assessed unit and multiplying the resulting quotient against the amount of the whole tax assessed against the entire unit for the full year after which the portion of the property so acquired shall be relieved of the lien of the portion of the taxes for the remainder of the calendar year as provided in subdivision (b)(1), and the property owner shall be relieved of all personal liability as to the portion of the taxes as provided in subdivision (b)(1); provided, that, where the portion of the property is being acquired by condemnation, the court will determine the portion of the entire year's taxes attributable to the part taken after hearing proof on behalf of the property owner and the taxing authorities, with the burden being on the taxing authorities to assure their proper appearance before the court.
(4) In the event of such an acquisition by deed, either the condemnor or the property owner may request the assessor to provide such proration, after the assessor has agreed with the property owner relative to the assessed valuation of the portion taken; and under either circumstances set forth in subdivision (b)(3), the proration shall be based on the last made assessment and rate fixed, according to law, and the trustee shall accept tender of the amount determined to be owing.
(c) (1) If real property owned by the state or any political subdivision of the state is leased to a person, corporation, or other business entity for the purpose of operating a golf course or for the purpose of developing and operating a golf course, then the person, corporation, or business entity shall make payments in lieu of ad valorem taxes. Such payments shall be in an amount equal to the ad valorem taxes otherwise due and payable by a taxpaying entity upon the current fair market value of the leased real property.
(2) Nothing contained in subdivision (c)(1) shall be construed or applied in any manner that violates the provisions of Tennessee Constitution, art. XI, § 2.
[Acts 1973, ch. 226, § 5; 1976, ch. 449, §§ 1, 2; T.C.A., §§ 67-404, 67-501; Acts 1986, ch. 856, §§ 1, 2; 1987, ch. 48, § 1; 1987, ch. 54, § 18; 1990, ch. 926, §§ 1, 2; 1990, ch. 1016, § 9.]