67-4-1908 - Local tax for the convention center fund.

67-4-1908. Local tax for the convention center fund.

(a)  (1)  In addition to the state tax provided in § 67-4-1901, a metropolitan government having a population in excess of five hundred thousand (500,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, is authorized to levy a surcharge or tax of one percent (1%) of the gross proceeds derived from the lease or rental of any passenger motor vehicle, truck, or trailer for a period of five (5) days or less; provided, that the surcharge or tax shall not apply to any automobile rented as a replacement vehicle, the cost of which is covered by insurance or by a business that rents a truck or trailer for the purpose of transporting goods, or by any individual or business that rents a vehicle as a replacement while the renter’s vehicle is being repaired, replaced, or serviced; provided further, that the individual presents to the renter upon return of the rented vehicle a copy of the repair or service invoice or signs a statement under penalty of perjury that the lease or rental of the vehicle is used as a replacement for a vehicle that is being repaired, replaced, or serviced. The surcharge or tax shall not apply to any vehicle rental transaction in which an entity whose principal business activity is the sale and service of new and used motor vehicles is the renter. This surcharge or tax shall apply to the gross proceeds from the rental agreement, excluding any sales tax imposed by chapter 6 of this title. The surcharge or tax shall be subject to the exemptions provided by § 67-4-1906. The surcharge or tax shall not be subject to the credit provided in § 67-4-1903 and shall be implemented consistent with the existing tax policies and procedures of the department of revenue and of the remainder of this chapter.

     (2)  The surcharge or tax in subdivision (a)(1) shall only be effective upon the adoption of an ordinance by the metropolitan council to impose the surcharge or tax.

(b)  All revenue received by the metropolitan government from the surcharge or tax in subsection (a) shall be deposited into a metropolitan fund entitled “the convention center fund,” which shall be used for the purpose of paying costs incurred in modification or construction of a publicly owned convention center in excess of four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) of cost within the territory of the metropolitan government. If the revenue from the surcharge or tax in any fiscal year exceeds the total of the debt service requirements for that year, the surplus revenue thus accruing shall be retained by the metropolitan government as a reserve fund for future debt service requirements.

(c)  In the event the total bonded indebtedness incurred for the construction of the convention center facility by the metropolitan government shall be paid in full as to bond principal and interest, including expenses of the bond sale or sales, the metropolitan government’s taxing resolution shall be repealed and this surcharge or tax shall no longer be levied; provided, however, that any funds remaining in the reserve fund after all obligations imposed under the provisions of this section have been fulfilled, shall be used by the governmental board or agency responsible for operation of the convention center for use by it in the promotion and advertisement of the convention center facilities.

(d)  For the purposes of this section, “convention center” means any land, improvement, structure, building or part of a building comprised of facilities for conventions, public assemblies, conferences, trade exhibitions or other business, social, cultural, scientific and public interest events, along with any associated hotel accommodations; transportation infrastructure; tourism, theatre, retail business and commercial office space facilities; parking facilities or any other structure or facility constructed, leased, equipped, renovated or acquired for any of the purposes set forth in this chapter, and also includes, but is not limited to, parks, greenways, open spaces, roads, streets, highways, curbs, bridges, flood control facilities and utility services, such as water, sanitary sewer, electricity, gas and natural gas and telecommunications that are constructed, leased, equipped, renovated or acquired as a supporting system or facility for any of the purposes set forth in title 7, chapter 89; provided, that any such supporting system or facility is dedicated for public use.

[Acts 2007, ch. 422, § 5; 2009, ch. 474, § 8.]