67-3-814 - Prohibition on tampering with meters at retail outlets.
67-3-814. Prohibition on tampering with meters at retail outlets.
(a) A person operating petroleum products dispensing equipment accessible by the general public shall provide metering devices for each dispenser, and shall maintain records sufficient to enable the department to determine the volumes dispensed with reasonable accuracy.
(b) No person shall exchange, replace, roll back or otherwise tamper with any such metering equipment without following procedures provided by the department for legitimate maintenance, repairs and replacement purposes.
(c) The department has the authority to seal any dispenser meter or totalizer.
(d) The commissioner may assess a civil penalty in an amount equal to the taxes and fees on the storage capacity of the facility, without regard to any exemption or dye, or one thousand dollars ($1,000), whichever is greater, against a person who fails to comply with this section.
[Acts 1997, ch. 316, § 1; T.C.A., § 67-3-1914.]