66-24-116 - Filing and recording restrictions for maps, plats and surveys.
66-24-116. Filing and recording restrictions for maps, plats and surveys.
(a) It is unlawful for the recorder of deeds of any county or any proper public authority to file on record any map, plat, survey, or other document within the definition of land surveying which does not have impressed thereon, and affixed thereto, the personal signature and seal of a registered land surveyor, licensed to survey by title 62, chapter 18, or a registered engineer by whom the map, plat, survey or other document was prepared; except that any plat, map, survey or other document covered under this chapter and which was prepared prior to May 7, 1969, may be recorded by the recorder of deeds.
(b) Instruments shall not be accepted for registration unless, in the opinion of the register to which the instrument is presented for recording, the map, plat or survey distinctly shows all words and figures necessary for clear and accurate determination of all metes, bounds, bearings, calls, easements or other information sought to be shown with sufficient clarity for reduction and/or reproduction in the register's office.
(c) However, nothing in this section shall be construed as precluding the transfer of title nor the recording of any instrument evidencing such transfer between a willing buyer and a willing seller without survey nor shall this section preclude the use of an earlier recorded survey.
[Acts 1969, ch. 207, § 17; 1971, ch. 337, § 1; T.C.A., § 64-2418.]