64-2-303 - Powers.

64-2-303. Powers.

(a)  Within the region of the authority, it may acquire, construct, operate, maintain and dispose of railroad facilities, properties and equipment, and may, in addition to continuing the above-mentioned railroad service, provide any other rail service in the region as it is needed and feasible.

(b)  The acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of such properties and facilities are hereby declared to be public and governmental functions. The powers granted in this section, in connection therewith, are declared to be public and corporate purposes and matters of public necessity.

(c)  The authority may use any property, right-of-way, easement or other similar property right necessary or convenient in connection with the acquisition, improvement, operation or maintenance of the facilities authorized in this section, held by the state or any county or municipality in the state; provided, that such governmental agency consents to such use; and that there is compliance with all statutes, regulations and procedures regulating the use, management and disposition of state property.

[Acts 1981, ch. 542 (Orig. Compl. as Priv. Acts 1981, ch. 57), §§ 1, 2, 12; T.C.A., § 66-2-303.]