64-1-1205 - Condemnation powers [Enactment contingent on county approval; see the Compiler's notes].

64-1-1205. Condemnation powers [Enactment contingent on county approval; see the Compiler's notes].

The authority may condemn in its own name any land, rights in land, easements, and/or rights-of-way that in the judgment of the board are necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the authority is created, and such property or interest in such property may be so acquired whether or not the same is owned or held for public use by persons having the power of eminent domain, or otherwise held or used for public purposes; provided, however, that such prior public use will not be interfered with by the use to which such property will be put by the authority; and provided further, that the exercise of eminent domain power shall be approved by a majority of those present and voting of the board of the authority. Such power of condemnation may be exercised in the manner prescribed by any applicable statutory provisions now in force or hereafter enacted for the exercise of the power of eminent domain.

[Acts 2001, ch. 223, § 6.]