59-4-301 - Qualifications and duties of mine foreman Penalty for failure to comply with laws.
59-4-301. Qualifications and duties of mine foreman Penalty for failure to comply with laws.
(a) In order to protect the health and safety of persons employed in or around mines and the mine property, the operator or superintendent shall employ a competent and practical overseer of each and every mine whose title shall be mine foreman.
(b) The foreman shall be certified as hereinbefore required in this chapter, and shall see that the applicable federal and state safety and health standards, regulations, and laws are complied with. Where it is necessary that the mine foreman be temporarily absent from the mine, the foreman shall place the mine in charge of a qualified assistant during such absence.
(c) Failure of the mine foreman to comply with the duties set forth herein is a Class B misdemeanor.
[Acts 1915, ch. 169, § 19; Shan., §§ 3079a111, 3079a118; Code 1932, §§ 5594, 5601; Acts 1949, ch. 190, § 6; C. Supp. 1950, § 5594; Acts 1951, ch. 245, § 13 (Williams, § 5552); Acts 1953, ch. 86, § 15 (Williams, § 5638.15); T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 58-412; Acts 1985, ch. 288, §§ 31, 32; 1989, ch. 591, § 112.]