57-8-102 - Sale of soft drinks containing over ½ of 1 percent alcohol unlawful Public nuisance.

57-8-102. Sale of soft drinks containing over ½ of 1 percent alcohol unlawful Public nuisance.

It is unlawful for any person to sell any soft drink which contains more than one half of one percent (½ of 1%) of alcohol. The conducting, maintaining, carrying on, or engaging in the sale of such soft drinks in any soft drink stand, and all means, appliances, fixtures, appurtenances, materials, supplies, and instrumentalities used for the purpose of carrying on, or conducting such unlawful business, are declared to be a public nuisance, and may be abated under the provisions of this chapter.

[Acts 1915, ch. 27, § 2; Shan., § 3079a320; Code 1932, § 5738; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 57-502.]