56-5-312 - Plans for reporting loss and expense experience.

56-5-312. Plans for reporting loss and expense experience.

(a)  Insurers shall file with the commissioner, and the commissioner shall review, reasonable rules and plans for recording and reporting of loss and expense experience in appropriate form and detail. The commissioner may designate one (1) or more rate service organizations or advisory organizations to assist in gathering the experience and making compilations. No insurer shall be required to record or report its experience on a classification basis inconsistent with its own rating system; provided, that for workers' compensation insurance, all insurers shall use the classification system and statistical plan of the rate service organization designated by the commissioner.

(b)  The commissioner and every insurer, rate service organization and advisory organization may exchange information and experience data with insurance regulatory officials, insurers, rate service organizations and advisory organizations in this and other states and may consult with them with respect to ratemaking and the application of rating systems.

[Acts 1983, ch. 66, § 13.]