56-35-117 - Exchange of information Consultation and cooperation Limitations.
56-35-117. Exchange of information Consultation and cooperation Limitations.
In order to further more equitable establishment and adjustment of rates, including risk rates, or premiums and forms of contracts, policies and guarantees, the commissioner, every insurer and rating organization may exchange information and experience data with each other, and with the insurance supervisory officers and insurers in other states and with national organizations and associations and may consult and cooperate with them in respect to rates, including risk rates, or premiums and forms of contracts, policies and guarantees; and an insurer or rating organization licensed under this chapter may act in concert with each other and with others with respect to any and all matters pertaining to the making of rates, rating plans, or rating systems, or the preparation of forms of policies, contracts, or guarantees of title, underwriting rules, surveys and investigations, or the furnishing of loss and expense statistics or other information and data, or carrying on research.
[Acts 1955, ch. 173, § 12; T.C.A., § 56-3417; Acts 1983, ch. 139, § 3.]