56-26-122 - Policies exempt.
56-26-122. Policies exempt.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), nothing in this chapter applies to, or shall affect:
(1) Any policy of workers' compensation insurance or any policy of liability insurance with or without supplementary expense coverage in such policy;
(2) Any policy or contract of reinsurance;
(3) Any blanket or group insurance policy; or
(4) Life insurance or annuity contracts, or contracts supplemental thereto, that contain only the provisions relating to accident and sickness insurance as:
(A) Provide additional benefits in case of death or dismemberment or loss of sight by accident; or
(B) Operate to safeguard the contracts against lapse, or to give a special surrender value or special benefit or an annuity in the event that the insured or annuitant shall become totally and permanently disabled, as defined by the contract.
(b) Sections 56-26-101 56-26-103 and 56-26-105 apply to any blanket or group insurance policy.
[Acts 1955, ch. 4, § 9; 1976, ch. 397, § 4; T.C.A., § 56-3322.]