55-9-104 - Vehicles stopping for causes other than disablement Display of warning devices.

55-9-104. Vehicles stopping for causes other than disablement Display of warning devices.

(a)  Whenever any bus, truck or truck tractor is stopped upon the traveled portion of the highway or the shoulder next thereto, except within a business or residential district of a municipality or for any cause other than disablement or for necessary traffic stops, the following requirements shall be complied with during the period of the stop:

     (1)  During the time that lights are required, a lighted fusee or lighted red electric lantern or red emergency reflector shall be immediately placed on the roadway at the traffic side of the motor vehicle. Pickup trucks having not more than two (2) rear wheels may comply with the provisions of this subdivision (a)(1) by displaying emergency flashing lights at the front and rear; and

     (2)  If the stop exceeds or is intended to exceed ten (10) minutes, the placing of flares, red electric lanterns or red emergency reflectors or flags shall be in the manner prescribed for disabled vehicles. Pickup trucks having not more than two (2) rear wheels may comply with the provisions of this subdivision (a)(2) by displaying emergency flashing lights at the front and rear.

(b)  Except during the time that lights are required to be displayed by § 55-9-401, none of the provisions of this chapter that relate to fire extinguishers, red lanterns, red flags, tire chains, flares, and fusees, shall apply to trucks and pickup trucks owned and operated by any person in the transportation of produce and farm products grown exclusively by that person in transporting them to and from market.

[Acts 1937 (2nd E.S.), ch. 12, § 1; 1947, ch. 121, § 1; C. Supp. 1950, § 2700.16 (Williams, § 2695); Acts 1975, ch. 89, §§ 1, 2; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 59-920.]