55-4-312 - Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association.

55-4-312. Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association.

(a)  An owner or lessee of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state and who is an emergency medical services professional authorized by subsection (b), upon complying with state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles and paying the regular fee applicable to the motor vehicle and the fee provided for in § 55-4-203, shall be issued a Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association (TEMSA) new specialty earmarked license plate for a motor vehicle authorized by § 55-4-210(c).

(b)  (1)  The new specialty earmarked plates shall only be issued to the following health care and emergency medical services professionals who hold current licensure from the department of health or its division of emergency medical services, as applicable:

          (A)  First responder;

          (B)  Emergency medical technician - basic;

          (C)  Emergency medical technician - intravenous therapy;

          (D)  Emergency medical technician - paramedic;

          (E)  Registered nurse;

          (F)  Nurse practitioner;

          (G)  Physician/medical doctor;

          (H)  Doctor of osteopathy;

          (I)  Physician assistant;

          (J)  Respiratory therapist; or

          (K)  Law enforcement, fire, or military personnel who currently hold one (1) or more of the licensures enumerated in this subsection (b).

     (2)  A person applying for a Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association new specialty earmarked license plate shall submit proof satisfactory to the department of the applicant's current licensure in one (1) or more of the health care or emergency medical services specialties enumerated in subdivision (b)(1). In consultation with the department of health, the department of revenue shall establish standards for the information and documentation necessary to constitute satisfactory proof of an applicant's current licensure in one (1) or more of the health care or emergency medical services specialties.

(c)  The purpose of the new specialty earmarked plates is to honor the thousands of dedicated health care professionals working in emergency medical services who place their own lives on the line each day in service to their fellow human beings, while also financially supporting education, continuing education, and in-service training programs for emergency medical services providers and students.

(d)  The new specialty earmarked plates shall be designed in consultation with the board of directors of the Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association.

(e)  The funds produced from the sale of Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Education Association new specialty earmarked license plates shall be allocated to TEMSA in accordance with § 55-4-215. The funds shall be used exclusively to:

     (1)  Defray the costs incurred by emergency medical services providers, educators and students in attending conferences, in-service training and other education or continuing education programs relative to their specialties or to maintain their licensure;

     (2)  Fund academic achievement awards and scholarships for Tennessee students enrolled in emergency medical technician (EMT) and EMT-paramedic training programs; and

     (3)  Purchase emergency medical services equipment and supplies for donation to:

          (A)  EMT and EMT-paramedic training programs accredited by the department of health; and

          (B)  Ambulance services licensed by this state that are responsible for primary 911 emergency response in their respective areas.

(f)  Section 55-4-201(f) shall not apply to the license plates authorized by this section.

(g)  Notwithstanding the time limitations in § 55-4-201(h)(1), license plates provided for in this section shall be granted until July 1, 2010, to meet initial minimum issuance requirements.

[Acts 2008, ch. 1165, § 51.]