55-4-283 - Cherohala Skyway.

55-4-283. Cherohala Skyway.

(a)  Owners or lessees of motor vehicles who are residents of this state, upon complying with state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles and paying the regular fee applicable to the motor vehicle and the fee provided for in § 55-4-203, shall be issued a Cherohala Skyway new specialty earmarked license plate for a motor vehicle authorized by § 55-4-210(c).

(b)  Subject to the requirements of § 55-4-201, the commissioner is authorized and shall issue a license plate to an owner or lessee of a motorcycle who is otherwise eligible for a Cherohala Skyway plate; provided, however, that the owner or lessee shall comply with the state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motorcycles and shall pay the regular fee applicable to motorcycles and the applicable fee specified in § 55-4-203 prior to the issuance of the plate.

(c)  The new specialty earmarked license plates provided for in this section shall be designed in consultation with the Skyway Foundation.

(d)  The funds produced from the sale of the Cherohala Skyway new specialty earmarked license plates shall be allocated to the Skyway Foundation in accordance with § 55-4-215. The funds shall be used exclusively to support the organization's promotion and support of the Cherohala Skyway and the Cherohala Skyway Visitors Center in this state.

(e)  For the purposes of § 55-4-201(h)(1), all license plates authorized or issued pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) shall be jointly included in any determinations for initial issuance and continuation of issuance.

[Acts 2009, ch. 589, § 10.]