55-4-252 - Non-game and endangered wildlife species.
55-4-252. Non-game and endangered wildlife species.
(a) An owner or lessee of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon complying with state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and paying the regular fee applicable to the motor vehicle and the fee provided for in § 55-4-203, shall be issued a non-game and endangered wildlife species or Watchable Wildlife specialty earmarked license plate for a motor vehicle authorized by § 55-4-210(c).
(b) The funds produced from the sale of non-game and endangered wildlife species or Watchable Wildlife specialty earmarked license plates, less the expense the state has incurred in designing and manufacturing the plates, shall be deposited in the watchable wildlife endowment fund established by § 70-8-110(c), to be used exclusively for the preservation of non- game and endangered wildlife species and the protection and enhancement of such species' habitats.
(c) The specialty earmarked plates provided for in this section shall be designed in consultation with the executive director of the Tennessee wildlife resources agency.
[Acts 1998, ch. 1063, § 1.]