55-4-224 - Disabled drivers.
55-4-224. Disabled drivers.
(a) Registration plates for disabled drivers shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and chapter 21 of this title.
(b) (1) Persons who are eligible to purchase or receive a license plate or plates of distinctive design for disabled drivers pursuant to chapter 21 of this title may elect to personalize the plate or plates pursuant to §§ 55-4-211 and 55-21-103.
(2) Personalized plates for disabled drivers shall bear the stylized wheelchair symbol required by § 55-21-104.
(3) The issuance and renewal of plates for disabled drivers shall otherwise comply with §§ 55-4-211 and 55-4-219, including annual payment by the applicant of a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee for each personalized plate in addition to the regular registration fee, if the regular registration fee is applicable.
[Acts 1998, ch. 1063, § 1.]