55-4-220 - Miscellaneous provisions.

55-4-220. Miscellaneous provisions.

(a)  This subsection (a) shall apply to the issuance and renewal of the cultural, specialty earmarked and new specialty earmarked plates authorized by this part, unless the section authorizing the issuance of an individual plate specifically provides otherwise:

     (1)  The plates enumerated in this subsection (a) shall be issued in conformity with § 55-4-202;

     (2)  The plates shall contain the logo, emblem, insignia, or other distinctive design of the agency, organization, purpose or other entity which is being honored or recognized by the issuance of that specific plate;

     (3)  The plates shall be designed in consultation with the commissioner and the department's taxpayer and vehicle services director, in addition to any other person or entity designated to be consulted relative to the design of the plate in the section authorizing an individual plate;

     (4)  The plates shall include:

          (A)  A unique identifying number not to exceed seven (7) characters or positions for a motor vehicle authorized by § 55-4-210(c)(1); or

          (B)  If authorized, a unique identifying number not to exceed six (6) positions or characters for a motorcycle;

     (5)  No two (2) applicants shall be assigned identical registration numbers or identical license plates;

     (6)  Any eligible person may elect to exchange a regular registration plate for a plate enumerated in subsection (a); provided, that the fees prescribed under § 55-4-203 are paid;

     (7)  The whole or parts of the additional fee prescribed by § 55-4-203 for a cultural, specialty earmarked or new specialty earmarked plate shall not be refunded for the exchange of a regular plate;

     (8)  Additional such plates may be obtained by any eligible person upon payment of the regular license fee for plates, as prescribed under § 55-4-111, plus the payment of the fee prescribed in § 55-4-203;

     (9)  The plates enumerated in this subsection (a) shall be issued for the applicant's use only on the authorized motor vehicle, and in the event of a transfer of title, the transferor shall surrender the plate to the department through the county clerk;

     (10)  The plates may be transferred to another vehicle of the same weight class owned or leased by the same person upon proper application being made therefor and approved by the department; and

     (11)  It is unlawful for any person to whom the plates have been issued to knowingly permit them to be displayed on any motor vehicle, except as authorized by the department.

(b)  This section shall also apply to the issuance and renewal of special purpose plates and memorial plates, unless the section authorizing the issuance of an individual memorial or special purpose plate specifically provides otherwise.

[Acts 1998, ch. 1063, § 1; 2007, ch. 484, § 48.]