55-4-213 - Promotional campaign.
55-4-213. Promotional campaign.
(a) To increase public knowledge of the availability of cultural, specialty earmarked and new specialty earmarked motor vehicle registration plates, the department shall conduct a promotional campaign, which shall include, but not be limited to, the inclusion of applications for, and information about, these plates with motor vehicle registration renewal notices.
(b) The promotional campaign authorized in subsection (a) shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) The inclusion of the following information in the motor vehicle registration renewal notices:
(A) An application for cultural, specialty earmarked and new specialty earmarked plates;
(B) An explanation of the formula by which the additional fees for each plate are allocated; and
(C) An illustration of the plates, selected in consultation with the transportation committees of the senate and the house of representatives; and
(2) The creation and distribution of a chart containing an illustration and the information required by subdivision (b)(1)(B) for each cultural, specialty earmarked and new specialty earmarked plate at each county clerk's office. The chart shall be printed on paper eight and one-half inches by seven inches (8½² x 7²).
(c) For any insert included in the mailing of renewal notices which originates from a county and which causes the total postal weight to be over one ounce (1 oz.) as permitted by the United States postal service, the county shall pay the increased cost of mailing. However, the weight of any notice of a vehicle emissions testing requirement shall not be included in the calculation of the total weight.
[Acts 1998, ch. 1063, § 1; 2008, ch. 1007, § 3.]