55-4-211 - Personalized plates Fees. [Amended effective January 1, 2010. See the Compiler's Notes.]

55-4-211. Personalized plates Fees. [Amended effective January 1, 2010. See the Compiler's Notes.]

(a)  (1)  In addition to the personalized plates authorized by § 55-4-210, an applicant may, through the payment of a personalization fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00), in addition to the regular registration fee and the thirty-five dollar ($35.00) fee established by § 55-4-201(b)(2), obtain certain cultural, specialty earmarked and new specialty earmarked plates with a personalized combination of numbers, letters, positions or a combination of numbers, letters and positions.

     (2)  The personalization fee shall be paid by the applicant upon the issuance and renewal of any personalized plate.

(b)  (1)  An applicant for the issuance of personalized motor vehicle registration plates or the personalization of cultural, specialty earmarked or new specialty earmarked motor vehicle registration plates pursuant to subsection (a) or the renewal of those plates in a subsequent registration year shall file an application in the form and by the date as the department may require, indicating the numbers, letters, positions or combination, requested as a registration number.

     (2)  The registration number shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) numbers, letters, positions or combination of numbers, letters or positions for a passenger motor vehicle, truck of one-half (½) or three-quarter (¾) ton rating or recreational vehicle or trailer or semitrailer that is not required to be registered but that the owner desires to be registered pursuant to § 55-4-111(c)(3), or, if authorized, not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) numbers, letters, positions or combination of numbers, letters or positions for a motorcycle.

     (3)  Registration numbers issued pursuant to this section shall be in compliance with the provisions of § 55-4-210(d) and (e).

(c)  The following plates shall not be eligible for personalization pursuant to this section, but may be personalized if the statute authorizing such plate permits or requires the plates to be personalized in some form:

     (1)  Dealer;

     (2)  Emergency;

     (3)  Firefighter pursuant to § 55-4-241;

     (4)  General assembly;

     (5)  Government service;

     (6)  Honorary consular;

     (7)  Judiciary;

     (8)  Memorial, as enumerated in § 55-4-202(c)(4) and defined in § 55-4-240;

     (9)  Metropolitan council;

     (10)  Military, as enumerated in § 55-4-202(c)(5)(F);

     (11)  National guard; [Effective January 1, 2010. See the Compiler’s Notes.]

     (12)  OEM headquarters company;

     (13)  Sheriff;

     (14)  Street rod, as defined in § 55-4-230;

     (15)  United States house of representatives;

     (16)  United States judge; and

     (17)  United States senate.

(d)  (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of this title to the contrary, any person who fulfills the following conditions may continue to renew and be issued personalized plates that consist of two (2) letters, numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers:

          (A)  The person was the owner of a passenger motor vehicle which was registered with the department prior to July 1, 1984; and

          (B)  The person was issued a personalized motor vehicle registration plate which consisted of two (2) letters, numbers, or combination thereof prior to July 1, 1984.

     (2)  All other provisions of this title regarding registration and licensing of passenger motor vehicles shall apply to any registration plates issued in accordance with subdivision (d)(1).

[Acts 1998, ch. 1063, § 1; 2002, ch. 876, § 63; 2007, ch. 142, § 3; 2008, ch. 924, § 14; 2009, ch. 530, § 121.]