55-4-121 - Reciprocal agreements concerning nonresidents.
55-4-121. Reciprocal agreements concerning nonresidents.
(a) The commissioner is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with proper officials of other states under which agreements motor vehicles of nonresident owners properly licensed and bearing license tags or plates of those states may be operated over the highways of this state, and without being registered or licensed in the state; provided, that this section shall not warrant the commissioner in entering into any agreement with the officials of any other state that does not grant like privileges to citizens of Tennessee operating motor vehicles in that state or states.
(b) (1) The commissioner may likewise enter into agreements or arrangements with the duly authorized representatives of other jurisdictions relating to the proportional registration of commercial vehicles in interstate or combined interstate and intrastate commerce. The apportionment may be made on a basis commensurate with and determined on the miles traveled on and use made of the highways of this state as compared with the miles traveled on and use made of other jurisdictions' highways or any other equitable basis of apportionment. The commissioner may require that any remittance for proportional registration of commercial vehicles, pursuant to the agreements, be in the form of cash, cashier's check, certified check, or money order, and that any other remittance will be rejected and returned. The commissioner may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations as shall be necessary to effectuate and administer the provisions contained in this section.
(2) The commissioner is further authorized to establish a system of registration renewals for these vehicles at alternative intervals during the calendar year that will allow for the distribution of the registration workload as uniformly as practicable throughout the year. This registration renewal system shall be established by rules promulgated by the commissioner pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
[Acts 1937, ch. 242, § 1; 1943, ch. 58, § 1; mod. C. Supp. 1950, § 2680.48 (Williams, §§ 1152.7a, 5501.14a); impl. am. Acts 1959, ch. 9, § 14; Acts 1972, ch. 504, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 59-436; Acts 1983, ch. 206, § 4; impl. am. Acts 1995, ch. 305, § 30; Acts 1996, ch. 649, § 1.]